
Who won?🥇Amazon Brand Silk-lined Beanie vs Silk/Satin Bonnets and these are my Afrotastic results!

Hmmm. I've discovered a mysterious product with the worst branding ever! No name, no brand, no box, but I can't help but be intrigued because I am on a serious quest to find the best sleep cap ever. This product is not a hit nor a miss for me. It wills stay in my bonnet basket, but there are better solutions for people with large hair like mine.

This is an affiliate link, and I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Buy this sleep cap here: https://amzn.to/3FenxXT.


JinJa Birkenbeuel's Essential and Staple Items for Your MakeUp Bag, Pocket or Backpack - eos 100% Natural


Zima Silk Is My Go-To Morning After Afro Headache-Free 😨 Comfy Bonnet Solution for My Natural Hair!